Saturday, May 23, 2009

Is the British Press better than the American?

Everyone is claiming it is the end of Newspapers. Recently, the San Francisco Chronicle has laid off half of its staff. Two months ago, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer printed its last edition. The Philadelphia Daily News is becoming part of the Philadelphia Inquirer. But this is in the US. 
Indeed, in 10 days, the British newspapers, the Daily Telegraph has increased of 100,000 its number of readers. It is now printed at 900,000 copies. This is linked to the recent scoops dealing with the MPsexpenses scandal.

But at the same time, as said before, the Health of the American press is fragile. 15,000 journalists have lost their jobs overseas. And according to French radio, Europe 1, American Newspapers are losing between 2 and 10% of their readers yearly. Most likely, American readers can reproach the propaganda published on the war in Iraq, the New-York Times reporting the use of WMDs in Iraq for instance. Similarly, a reporter of USA Today recognized making-up most of his scoops. Those stories have damaged the image and the credibility of the press, while the British press opens the debate, denounces, with proofs, and doesn't give any moral lesson.

The model of the Daily Telegraph is quiet similar to the one used by most newspapers now, journalists work for both the newspaper and the newspaper-website, one completing the other.
Or how an economically healthy press is linked to a valuable press.

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